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    Kostas Varnavopoulos

    [ Creative Director ]

    • LOCATION: Athens, Greece


    Kostas Varnavopoulos is the Creative Director for Ideoli Group and the Managing Director for Ideoli Europe, the company’s European subsidiary. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Kostas continues to live and work in the vibrant city. He operates out of Ideoli’s offices in Athens, where he oversees various aspects of the company’s operations.

    As the Managing Director of Ideoli Europe, Kostas takes charge of managing the office, handling HR responsibilities, cultivating business relationships, and managing financials. He also plays a crucial role in the recruitment and training of employees. In his role as Creative Director for Ideoli, Kostas produces compelling video content for the company’s social media platforms and curates Ideoli’s media library. Additionally, he is responsible for running and maintaining the company’s website.

    Kostas has been involved in several notable work experiences during his tenure at Ideoli Group. He embarked on a tour across the United States to collect video content showcasing Ideoli’s installations nationwide. Furthermore, he played a pivotal role in the construction of Ideoli Europe’s office, successfully completing the project in less than three months, leading to the subsidiary’s launch in June 2022.

    Prior to joining Ideoli Group, Kostas garnered extensive experience working for private national TV stations for nearly three decades. During this time, he focused on connecting Greeks of the diaspora to their homeland, a task he found both fulfilling and rewarding.


    Kostas enjoys indulging in various activities and hobbies. He is passionate about sourcing the perfect espresso beans, exploring culinary establishments where chefs truly enjoy their craft, and traveling to destinations that seamlessly blend luxury and simplicity. Kostas is also an avid photographer and videographer, often creating captivating food stories.

    Kostas Varnavopoulos holds a background in film and video direction, having studied at the Athens Stavrakos School of Film and Television. Additionally, he pursued two years of electrical engineering studies at the Southeastern College of Greece in Athens.