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    David Oswald
    project type:
    Interior Design
    November 22, 2020

    Ideoli has partnered with Puttshack to revolutionize the entertainment industry. With a focus on innovation and creativity, Ideoli has collaborated with its client to reimagine the traditional mini-golf experience, infusing it with modern technology, accessibility, and an exciting social atmosphere. As the driving force behind the success of Puttshack, our  expertise has brought a fresh and engaging perspective to the world of entertainment, delighting visitors of all ages with an interactive and memorable mini-golf adventure. At Puttshack, guests are immersed in a world of seamless entertainment, where advanced technology adds an extra layer of excitement to the traditional mini-golf game. The interactive elements foster a sense of camaraderie, encouraging friendly competition and lively banter among players. Alongside the technologically advanced gameplay, Puttshack delivers a social atmosphere, making it a perfect destination for gatherings and celebrations.

    Our expert lighting solution for Puttshack proved to be a game-changer, addressing the client’s specific needs while streamlining their lighting setup across various locations. Puttshack had a clear vision of transitioning to a more advanced and cost-effective LED lighting solution, while also seeking enhanced controllability through DMX technology. To meet these requirements, Ideoli devised a tailored approach that combined RGBW DMX design with a simplified layout. By incorporating decoders and color gels, Ideoli achieved the desired control while optimizing costs, delivering a visually stunning lighting setup without compromising on functionality. This innovative solution not only aligned with Puttshack’s goals but also facilitated the standardization of their lighting design across multiple locations.

    Furthermore, Ideoli’s collaborative efforts extended to handling the entire lighting design process for Puttshack. Ideoli’s expertise ensured captivating lighting for diverse Puttshack venues across the US, exceeding client expectations and enhancing brand identity.







    For more insights and updates, don’t forget to follow us on social media and let’s spark some creativity together!