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    15 hours of travel for only 3 hours in Mexico city, Mexico

    “We literally fly to international destinations for a couple meetings in the same day, then head back. It’s what we do. “It’s a little after 10pm and I have a flight boarding in 45 minutes. My GPS says I’ll be at the airport in 55 minutes. So, a good way to start a trip,” says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    So what’s the game plan?

    “Getting ready to hopefully catch a flight to Texas. Connect and then go to Mexico then back here tomorrow night within 21-22 hours,” says George.

    George got lucky this time, with a flight delay in his favor. On to Texas we go!

    “Want to get out there and do what we have to do and get home to my family,” says George.

    After 8 hours of travel, we arrived in Mexico City.

    “We just landed in beautiful Mexico City in a fantastic ride heading to our first meeting. The city is just vibrant and millions of people everywhere,” says George. Straight to the meetings we go. “We’re sitting here in beautiful Mexico City. I have a meeting in one of the tallest buildings in the Reforma District. Absolutely stunning here from what we’ve seen. Mexico is a big market for us. We started here from a manufacturing standpoint. And now we’re actually coming back here from a client facing standpoint and getting our products into various locations,” says George.

    That being said, back to the airport we go! Viva Mexico! 


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