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    3 Valuable tips for creating value with your partners

    Ideoli positions itself with leaders in their fields – learning and absorbing any way we can.

    Fotini Iconomopoulos is one of these experts – when it comes to negotiations and communication in the corporate world, “My name is Fotini Iconomopoulos and I am a negotiations consultant who helps companies create value all over the world.” 

    We spent some time with Fotini in our New York office and asked her to share her top pieces of advice for creating value with partners. First of all, start with why. Understand what’s motivating both parties – you as well as them.

    The next piece of advice, “Second, I would say listen. So, if they are telling you what’s motivating them, make sure you’re paying close attention to the other party.” 

    Listening is key and we agree. What is the last piece of advice to creating value with partners?  

    “Third, I would say get creative. If you want to create value, that requires creative thought.” We appreciate this insight, Fotini.

    Be prepared to be flexible. Do some brainstorming and come up with solutions instead οf trying to stay fixed in one mindset. Let’s start getting creative!

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