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    5 creative uses for lighting in your commercial environment

    Lighting is far more intricate than just flipping a switch to illuminate a space. In reality, it is a broad and varied category that includes factors such as light source, shape, color and more, that when formed in the right combination can take spaces to the next level. For commercial environments including retail, restaurant, hospitality, theater, fitness centers and office spaces, it’s important to choose the right lighting to maximize customer and employee experience. A study by researchers from the University of Mississippi and the University of Texas found that lights of different wavelengths affect “blood pressure, pulse, respiration rates, brain activity, and biorhythms.” So if commercial spaces want to elicit certain feelings, they should consider the following five creative uses for lighting that go beyond turning a room from dark to bright: 1. Contrast lighting Adjusting the color and brightness of lighting can create dramatic contrasts that help make a space more appealing. Just as a high contrast photo can help differentiate various features, such as the sky from a body of water, contrast lighting in a restaurant, for example, can help distinguish the dining area from the bar area. We’re experts at helping you find the right level of contrast to make your space pop. 2. Showcase lighting In addition to illuminating certain sections of your space with contrast lighting, you can really draw customers in with showcase lighting. Like a spotlight on a stage, showcase lighting highlights specific areas, such as when a retail store wants to show off its top products in the center of the space. Adding showcase lighting to a central display brings the area to life and thereby helps increase traffic, and ultimately drive sales. 3. Mood-based flood lighting Flood lighting can be used to illuminate large areas, and we know how to select and position floodlights to evoke certain moods. For example, a hotel could use mood-based flood lighting to illuminate a front entrance and make it seem inviting, while a cafe could use a floodlight for a performance area in a way that looks more artful. 4. Accent lighting For those items that you want to highlight but which aren’t in a central place for show caselighting, you can still turn to accent lighting to really set these objects off. For example, you can use accent lighting like wall sconces to better frame pictures on the wall. Doing so helps ensure that customers don’t miss items that might not be as immediately visible spatially, but when they do pass by these objects, the accent lighting helps draw them in. 5. Shelf lighting Shelving in and of itself can be creative, but if you really want to take it to the next level, add lighting to the shelves, such as an LED trim along each shelf to help highlight the items on display. Shelf lighting can be used for a variety of purposes, ranging from shoe stores that want to add light beneath each sneaker, to bakeries that want to show off each pastry on display. By looking at lighting from these creative lenses, you can truly invigorate your space in a way that helps others appreciate all the work you’ve put into the design. Ideoli has its roots in lighting, so you can be confident working with us to help you cover all the details of selecting and setting up the perfect lighting.

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