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    5 strategic tactics Ideoli uses to win new opportunities with clients

    Winning business opportunities can be difficult for any startup, but the Ideoli team has quickly learned some keys to success. When pitching new clients or working with existing ones to expand our relationship, we focus on the following five tactics: 

    1. Be Transparent — Know What You Can And Can’t Deliver: We pride ourselves on sourcing and creating awesome furnishings, fixtures and lighting, and we’re not afraid to show off our capabilities. At the same time, we’re realistic and know that we can’t always deliver what a client wants, whether it be because of time, cost or some other constraint. We’re always transparent with clients about what we can and can’t deliver, and that helps us close deals where everyone ends up happy.

    2. Be Innovative: Creativity is key to our success. If a client can dream it, then we can create it. But if a client isn’t exactly sure what they need, or if we think there’s a way to improve upon their initial plans, we’re more than happy to join the brainstorming process early on. We have an international team with the engineering, design and marketing capacity to continually come up with creative designs and figure out unique solutions to make projects work.

    3.  We Do What We Say: Our word is our bond, so we take what we say very seriously. If we say we’re going to do something for a client, then we do whatever we can to get it done. Simple as that! And in the event that something goes wrong or there’s a slight change of plans, we’re honest and quick to inform clients. Doing so helps us win new opportunities and strengthen client trust.

    4. Be Exceptional: From jumping on a 15-hour flight to grab a beer with our clients, to traveling to the other side of the world to help oversee an installation project, we do whatever it takes to wow clients. We don’t want to just do the bare minimum for clients; we aim to be exceptional! 

    5. Make It Impossible To Say No: We’re confident we can help clients invigorate their spaces and deliver value to their businesses. So if a potential customer seems hesitant to strike a deal with us, we’re willing to pull out all the stops to ensure they’re as comfortable and confident as we are about working together.

    Following these tactics significantly improves the odds that we’ll not only win more opportunities but also create stronger relationships with clients and delight them with our work.

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