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    5 top things to know about south America’s Buenos Aires, Argentina

    If you’ve ever visited Buenos Aires, Argentina, you know it’s a stunning destination. Now that Ideoli has established a team down here and started working with local clients, it’s fitting to learn more about the history of this destination. Here are 5 facts to know about Buenos Aires:

    NUMBER 1. Buenos Aires was founded twice. The first time in 1536, when Pedro de Mendoza built a fort overlooking the Rio de La Plata. And again In 1580, When Juan de Garay arrived from Spain and established a permanent settlement.

    NUMBER 2. For two centuries, the city fell under the rule of the Viceroyalty of Peru. This meant that all trade bound for Spain from Buenos Aires had to travel by land to Panama.

    NUMBER 3. For two months in 1806, the British controlled Buenos Aires. The move was meant to undermine Spain, which had allied with France against Great Britain during the Wars.

    NUMBER 4. From the late 19th century, Buenos Aires saw a massive wave of immigrants, resulting with an estimated 85 percent of city residents being of European descent.

    NUMBER 5. Today, citizens of Buenos Aires are known as porteños, a name that commonly refers to anyone from a port city. Now you know! 

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