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    Top 4 LED lighting advantages

    While different types of light bulbs have their place, LED lighting is the new wave—they run cooler and look cooler, which means clients can save money and make money by using LEDs. That’s why we integrate LED lighting into many of our products, ranging from lighting fixtures for food prep areas to backlit mirrors in retail stores.

    LED lighting offers huge advantages over traditional incandescent light bulbs and even the more recent compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs, including the following:

    1. Efficiency

    LED bulbs operate at a lower wattage than other types of bulbs, because LEDs let much less energy escape as heat. So they require less power to produce the same amount of light, thus making them more energy efficient. If the U.S. switched entirely to LED bulbs over the next two decades, it would cut electricity consumption for lighting nearly in half, according to the Department of Energy (DOE).

    2. Longevity

    LEDs also last significantly longer than other bulbs because of both how long the light itself functions and their durability. In fact, high-quality LED bulbs last over 25 times as long as traditional lightbulbs, notes the DOE.

    3. Affordability

    Even though LEDs can cost more upfront than other bulbs, the lifetime savings due to longevity and efficiency significantly favor LEDs. In some instances, this additional efficiency can also help companies qualify for incentives or rebates from utilities or governments, thus furthering the savings.

    4. Design

    LEDs arguably look a lot better than other bulbs and don’t have a delayed reaction when turning them on like CFLs. Not only are there a lot of color options, but the LEDs themselves are quite small, so they can be combined into more interesting designs or strung along the perimeter of a product. So when clients want innovative lighting displays or unique shapes for lighting fixtures, Ideoli can make that happen using LEDs. Clients can then create spaces that attract even more customers, which makes LEDs a great investment.

    Ideoli stays on the cutting edge of lighting design using LEDs, and with these lights we help clients invigorate their spaces however they imagine. 

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