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    Getting to know more about Ideoli’s board of advisors: Part III

    Ideoli’s team comprises of an impressive group of enthusiastic professionals. This team includes our Board of Advisors, who we meet with regularly in New York City for great brainstorming and strategy sessions.“What’s not exceptional with Ideoli team,” says Allen Keiffer, a retail, design and development expert who serves as one of ideoli’s advisors. 

    “They are pulling folks from around the world with all these diverse backgrounds who come together and melt into this wonderful solid foundation of experience throughout the world.”This great team full of passionate professionals with deep expertise has positioned ideoli to continue to grow at an impressive rate. Our brainstorming and strategy sessions with our advisors allow for free-flowing conversation and the ability for our team to come up with unique solutions to any obstacles we face.”

    “I’m so excited and I can’t wait to see where they go in the next two years. It’s going to be an explosion of excitement,” adds Allen.

    With an exceptional Board of Advisors, ideoli is on the right track toward progressive growth. We’re looking forward to the next strategy session!

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