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    Ideoli’s CEO featured in California’s lifestyle magazine, voyage LA

    Ideoli’s rapid growth and commitment to excellence is not only catching the attention of clients and industry awards; we’re also hitting the public eye, such as with our CEO George Stroumboulis being featured in VoyageLA. 

    VoyageLA is an innovative online publication that highlights the best that LA has to offer, particularly the entrepreneurs, small businesses and artists that make the area unique.

    The magazine recently interviewed George about entrepreneurship and created a profile on him as a result.In the article, George shares the backstory on how he and Co-Founder Chris Hartswick started ideoli and grew it into an international success, including some of the ups and downs along the way.

    George also shares some important personal insights, such as how he prioritizes family time despite being such a busy entrepreneur.

    His family is both supportive and closely involved with ideoli, and his three-and-a-half-year-old daughter is often in the office and even traveling with him to job sites when possible.In addition, George shares his views on what it’s like to run an international business with employees and partners in different time zones around the globe. Communication tools, and lots of airline miles, help him stay globally connected.

    Be sure to check out the full profile on George to learn more about his experience running ideoli. You might pick up a few entrepreneurial tips along the way too!

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