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    24-hour-day trips from Los Angeles to New York city and back

    In the city that never sleeps, Ideoli’s team makes sure to get the most out of every minute during our time in New York. For example, take a look at this jam-packed schedule of our CEO George Stroumboulis from one of his recent 24-hour trips to New York, something he does on an almost weekly basis: 

    • Sunday, 9:30 PM: Take a red-eye flight from Los Angeles to Newark
    • Monday, 5:00-5:50 AM: Land in Newark and drive into New York City
    • Monday, 6:30 AM: Meet up with Ideoli Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer Chris Hartswick in Tribeca for a team meeting
    • Monday, 7:30 AM: Have our first client meeting of the day in Tribeca
    • Monday, 9:00 AM: Get up to Herald Square for our second client meeting of the day
    • Monday, 10:30 AM: Have our third client meeting of the day in Midtown
    • Monday, 12:00 Noon: Drive just north of the city to Westchester for an on-site meeting at an exciting new condo building where we’re supplying light fixtures
    • Monday, 3:00 PM: Head back to the city for our fourth client meeting of the day in Chelsea
    • Monday, 5:00 PM: Cross into Brooklyn for our sixth and last client meeting of the day
    • Monday, 7:00 PM: After a full day of meetings perfectly orchestrated to fit into this one-day schedule, it’s finally time to relax and enjoy some NYC entertainment by taking in a basketball game at Barclays Center
    • Monday, 10:00 PM: Time to head back to Los Angeles with a six-hour flight from Newark

    As you can see, we fit a lot into one day in New York. But we’re happy to do it to stay connected to clients, team members and partners, and we look forward to more invigorating trips to New York and beyond.

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