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    24-hour day trips from Los Angeles to Shanghai and back

    Ideoli’s core team members often travel to Shanghai, China, to meet with key clients and partners, but we don’t always have a ton of time on these business trips. Still, we manage to fit a lot of productive work into our days in Shanghai, while also squeezing in some time for fun and taking in the local culture. Here’s an example of a recent, typical day for us in Shanghai. 

    The day starts off with corporate meetings at Ideoli’s Shanghai office, and then it’s off to client meetings downtown. From there, we head about an hour outside of the city to check in on a factory that’s undertaking an important production run of custom LED lighting fixtures.

    Lastly, it’s time to head back to the city to relax and close out the day with some cocktails with our partners and clients.

    Our work trips to Shanghai can seem hectic, but we’ve found a rhythm that works!

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