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    How Ideoli gets involved with its “Invigorate your community” initiative

    In our view, being a successful global business doesn’t just mean invigorating spaces so we can please clients and grow our revenues; it also means doing our share to give back to the communities that contribute to our business and help shape our company. 

    As such, Ideoli gets involved with a number of charitable causes through our “Invigorate Your Community” initiative. One of those causes recently involved preparing lunch for the homeless at a church in downtown Manhattan.

    “At Ideoli we really want to venture out into the community; we want to have a community footprint the same way we have an international footprint,” says Chris Hartswick, Ideoli’s Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer. “Getting out there, especially as a team, bonding as a team and giving back, there’s nothing better than that.” 

    In addition to this initiative in New York, we’ve gotten involved in a number of other great causes and projects over the years, such as giving back to schools in Mexico. We are also actively working on some projects where our products will help invigorate local communities.

    We look forward to giving back in more ways!

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