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    Always late in Shanghai – Google maps 101

    We often take for granted the ease of navigating around major cities using apps like Google Maps, but a recent trip to Shanghai reminded us how much we rely on GPS, and the trip gave us a new appreciation for how well these apps tend to work. 

    In China, however, we recommend avoiding Google Maps and using Apple Maps or Baidu Maps instead. Google Maps has only recently been allowed to operate in China, and we encountered a lot of difficulties trying to get around Shanghai using it.

    Oftentimes the GPS within Google Maps was completely off, which caused us to be late to some meetings in Shanghai. Luckily our clients were understanding.

    We hate to keep clients waiting though, so this tardiness is definitely something that we don’t want to repeat in Shanghai or anywhere else.

    Next time, we’re in China, we definitely plan on using Apple Maps or Baidu Maps from the get go. If you find yourself there, we suggest you do the same!

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