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    9 things you gotta do while in yu garden, Shanghai

    We love to take in the local culture whenever possible on our business trips, and recently we got to explore the Yu Garden (Yuyuan) in Shanghai. Located in the Old City, this area includes a beautiful garden and a massive, stimulating bazaar. 

    It’s an absolute must when visiting Shanghai, and we want to share nine recommendations for what to do when you visit:

    1. Read About the History: Yu Garden was built in 1559 during the Ming Dynasty.

    2. Skip the American Franchises: Do yourself a favor and don’t visit the US franchises. They’re on every corner here, but there are more unique places to try.

    3. Eat Soup Dumplings: Such a delicious treat —drink it, then eat it!

    4. Buy Souvenirs: Everywhere you look, you’ll see all sorts of interesting souvenirs to purchase.

    5. Walk the Pond Bridge: It’s crowded, but it’s a cool experience!

    6. Visit the City of God Temple: Whether you’re religious or not, this temple is very interesting. Swing by, show respect and take in the sights.

    7. See the Black Market: While we value originality, it’s still interesting to see all the fake products for sale here.

    8. Drink Tea: There’s so much great tea for sale here, and it’s good for you too!

    9. Try All the Food Stand Stands: Tucked between the franchises like McDonald’s and Burger King are the tastiest food stands.

    Yu Garden can be a stimulus overload, but with this handy guide, you’ll be able to enjoy this exciting area!

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