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    We travel in style in India: Tuk-Tuk rickshaw, yo!

    As frequent world travelers meeting with clients and partners in a variety of different markets, we’ve made it part of our ethos to soak up the local culture wherever we go. 

    Recently, that meant skipping a private car service to go to a meeting while in India. Instead, our CEO and Co-Founder, George Stroumboulis, decided to hop in a tuk-tuk to get to the meeting.

    If you haven’t been in a tuk-tuk before, think of it as a motorized rickshaw with no shocks, no air conditioning, and no seat belts. You just sit back and…don’t relax! It’s quite the harrowing adventure, but it’s also exhilarating.

    Not only was the trip exciting, but it only cost around $2 to get to the meeting and back, which is a deal that’s hard to beat. 

    Stay invigorated while traveling but stay safe too! Tuk-tuks probably won’t become our go-to mode of transportation anytime soon, but it was a great experience.

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