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    The cons of entrepreneur life

    Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly fun and rewarding, but it’s important to recognize the downsides in order to find the right balance in life and find a sustainable way to move forward. 

    As our CEO and Co-Founder George Stroumboulis notes, frequently traveling for work can be exciting, but it’s also a grind and takes away from family time. On a recent international trip, he traveled 15 hours for just four hours of meetings. And even though he was only away for a short time, having his four-year-old daughter cry when seeing him leave and asking him not to go on the trip was heartbreaking.

    However, George is committed to finding a good balance and tries to incorporate his family in his work, such as by bringing his daughters to his office and even jobsites when possible, rather than only being around on the weekends. George comes from an entrepreneurial family, so he knows that starting and running a business can be a mixed bag, and it’s important to be honest about the pros and cons so as not to burnout.

    By sharing this story, we hope we can help other entrepreneurs struggling with the downsides of this lifestyle. Speaking honestly about these challenges can encourage the entrepreneur community to come up with better ways to counteract the negatives of this role.

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