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    Our first official shipment out of our new warehouse in California

    It’s official – Ideoli has begun sending shipments from its newest California warehouse, helping service its clients around the world! Nestled along the Pacific Coast and a short drive to the Port of Los Angeles and all major airports, Ideoli’s new California warehouse can be found in the breathtaking, coastline city of Newport Beach. 

    As with most things Ideoli, the new facility was customized to meet the needs of Ideoli – including offices for everyday operations, warehouse space for Ideoli’s growing product lines, and a showroom that brings Ideoli products to life. We are thrilled to finally get to see our warehouse in action, delivering pristine innovative products, exceptional service, and great results to our clients.

    This first shipment is a representation of the dedication and heart that Ideoli puts behind every product the design, develop and distribute. By including the warehouse in the new facility, Ideoli is able to maintain excellent service for its clients from start to finish, ensuring that all products are up to Ideoli standards before shipment.

    We look forward to continued service and shipments to come from our new California warehouse!

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