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    Impressing the S#@% out of our clients is our top priority

    We, at Ideoli had a successful meeting today with a very important client. We displayed our product prototypes to a team of designers and specifiers. And we’ve just got to say, that we impressed the $#*% out of our clients! Here’s how the meeting went: 

    George Stroumboulis, CEO, Co-founder explained, “We just finished a fantastic meeting – in our opinion, at least. They’re always fantastic. We displayed about 7 different prototypes to a very large client here in New York. The feedback was actually fantastic with all the planning building up to this 45-minute meeting. What are your thoughts in general?”

    “I think it was great,” Chris Hartswick, CPO, Co-founder responds. You know a lot of times we spend so much effort on obviously the product but the details of – how are we going to package it, what are we going to show them, what is the room going to be like, there’s is a lot of guessing we have to do. But when it all comes together and we’re able to have such a successful meeting like that, it feels good. It’s exciting.”

    “Absolutely! Absolutely!” Stroumboulis exclaims. He then adds, “Getting in front of the client and being able to discuss with them in person, with our supporting parties that got us there, and really understanding their construction needs, their schedules and what their planning over the next 6-12 months, really puts it into perspective on what we’re really trying to do.”

    Stroumboulis explains the “Next steps are essentially rolling into full production on several of these projects which is always the goal. So from start to finish, we’re looking at 65-days when we were first engaged on this portfolio of products. This just shows our capabilities and how quickly we can turn things around from concept to installation.”

    Hartswick then adds, “I think it’s so important to note the meeting itself too. Getting that meeting, getting the entire design team in the room with us. It’s so difficult through emails and phone calls to get everyone on the same page to make it clear and make what’s known. Just that 30-45-minute meeting now it’s straights forward, we all know what’s to be done and what’s coming up. I feel that there is a weight off everyone’s shoulders”

    Hartswick summarized the client’s response, “The customer is much more confident in our capabilities. Obviously seeing the product makes them realize exactly what they are going to be getting from us – the quality, the timing, everything. These meetings are so important.”

    There were a lot of moving parts to this successful meeting. From displayed prototypes, sharing product details and a timeline – Ideoli showed how it’s done.

    Stay connected with #ideoli on all our social media platforms – Facebook (/ideoligroup), Twitter (@ideoli), Instagram (@ideoligroup), Vimeo (/ideoli) and LinkedIn (/ideoli).

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