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    Why Ideoli believes that you should listen to your customers

    Ideoli recognized to sell any product, upper management needed to understand what the consumer was shopping for in their market. According to “Big Disconnect Between Senior Execs and Consumers on this Issue,” by Marianne Wilson, she explained the current breakdown between these two parties. According to Wilson’s article, “Nearly 40% of consumers ranked pricing as one of the most important factors in purchase decisions, compared to only 20% of retail executives in a new survey by global technology company First Insight. Both groups, however, named quality as the most important factor (about 50% on both sides) in the purchase decision.” 

    But how did upper management come to understand what consumers want? It seemed old fashion communication was key – the spoke and LISTENED to consumers; they found out their needs. On a broader scale, Wilson showed that the upper management used information collected from surveys.

    Another beneficial suggestion of the past – read, read, read. Articles such as, “The 15 Most Common Types of Customer Needs (and How to Solve For Them)” by Allie Breschi explained direct clues on how to start to understand your customers and their specific needs. According to Breschi’s article, five of the “15 Most Common Types of Customer Needs,” were similar to those Wilson mentioned: for “Product Needs: 1. Functionality, 2. Price, 3. Convenience, 4. Experience and 5. Design.

    Okay, so you, as the upper management, spoke and listened to consumers. You’ve collected information through surveys. And you’ve read as much as you can. Now what do you do with this information? What will work for your specific consumer of today? Remember the way you’ve reached customers in the past – was it by their mobile device or within a brick and mortar store? Wilson touched on the importance of discounts or coupons – remember, next to the quality product is the importance of product price to consumers. At Ideoli, we learned to listen to our consumers’ needs and act on them so that we’ve stayed on the same page.

    Ideoli recognized to sell any product, upper management needed to understand what the consumer was shopping for in their market. Contact Ideoli so we can talk and LISTEN to your needs.

    Stay connected with #ideoli online at ideoli.com and on all our social media platforms – Facebook (facebook.com/ideoligroup), Twitter (twitter.com/ideoli), Instagram (instagram.com/ideoligroup/), Vimeo (vimeo.com/ideoli) and LinkedIn (linkedin.com/company/ideoli).

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