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    We share some of our worst hotel experiences around the world

    The boys travel all over the world for client meetings, production runs, and to continue expanding Ideoli’s already-growing footprint around the world. Throughout their travels, well, they gotta stay somewhere….right? In this video, our Co-Founders, George Stroumboulis, CEO, and Chris Hartswick, CPO, describe to us their worst hotel experiences.

    Learn from our mistakes… we mean, experiences!

    What is your worst hotel experience within the last few months?

    “We travel a lot. We’re in different parts of the world.”

    And your worst hotel experience is in? Your worst experience ever or recently?

    “When I was in Los Angeles. Recently. It was pretty bad. Okay go back to your backpacking and hostile days. Probably England, just outside of London. I stayed in a youth hostel for $8 dollars a night or whatever it was. That was expensive back in the day. It was a shared space with everyone and shared bathrooms.”

    What was bad with LA?

    “It was brutal. I felt like I was staying in a youth hostel. First of all, I showed up at 7 o’clock at night and had to be buzzed in because apparently, it’s just in a bad part of town. There was no paint. Oh, you want paint on the walls? Haha. In Los Angeles? Bed bugs everywhere. ******* Hotel. Stay away from it.”

    Awe you name dropped! Did you Yelp it? “I did not Yelp but I’m not a big Yelper.” 

    “My worst experience in the last couple years, was last night. If last night was your worst experience, then you have been living good. You’ve had to see my room. There was DNA everywhere – carpet, walls and it wasn’t mine. Just nasty. Well it’s a four-star hotel we’re staying at. But there rating here is out of 15 stars. It could be worse man, it’s all for the good.”

    That is true. Its all for the good. Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, boys! Until next time…safe travels! 

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