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    Making a difference at Lucia de la Paz – invigorated by Ideoli

    Ideoli’s latest invigorate your community project takes us to Michoacan, Mexico. Ideoli is here to make a difference in the community, working at a local school. Our Applications Engineer, Armando, attended Lucia De La Paz and is spearing this wonderful initiative.

    “Today I’m here to invigorate my community at my old elementary school, Lucia De La Paz in Michoacan, Mexico. With the help of Ideoli, we’re going to gather resources, furniture, lighting, cement, tile, windows and help fix the school,” says Armando, Ideoli Applications Engineer.

    Ideoli is here to help create a better environment for students and we are documenting the journey along the way.

    “Stay tuned for progress and updates,” says Armando. We’re excited to see how these improvements will enhance and invigorate this school. More to come! 

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