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    Acropolis challenge: in between meetings, we climbed it with zero prep

    “What do you estimate the step count to be…. 2,600 there and back?”” says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    In between meetings in Athens, Greece the boys took 2 hours out of their schedule to head up the Acropolis to experience the Parthenon.

    “We are at the base of the Acropolis and we’re doing the challenge,” says George The city looks beautiful but what have these guys gotten themselves into???

    “What do you estimate the step count to be from where we started to up here? There and back,” says George. “I’m going to say 2,600,” says Chris Hartswick, Ideoli CPO and Co-Founder.

    “2,600 there and back? Not even close,” says George.

    “So, we are on top of the acropolis now. Chris’ first time. Aside from sweating your you know what off, and 3,000 steps later, what are your thoughts?” asks George.

    “Unbelievable, going through ruins like this. Whether you are here or anywhere else in the world. Trying to think how they accomplished these things,” says Chris.

    Way to prep, boys! 
