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    Advantages of adding some Ideoli smartness into an infrastructure

    At Ideoli we are not just creating cool spaces with our clients, we also always try to be future proof. Automation for example, is now starting to get fully integrated into the same network with other systems such as fire alarms, lighting, access control units and elevators. The brains of this network can exist in a cloud. By having smart buildings, we can have them communicate with each other. Think of it as the Internet of Buildings: people, traffic, city infrastructures and buildings will eventually all communicate with one another, and what we’ll have is an actual smart city. In building automation, wireless functionality provides us the flexibility and ease of installation when building new systems and modifying old ones. At Ideoli, we are lucky to be partnered with leading designers, specifiers and end users. It is more than a pleasure to be able to provide solutions that mirror the world’s modern top trends.   Stay connected with #ideoli online at ideoli.com and on all our social media platforms – Facebook (facebook.com/ideoligroup), Twitter (twitter.com/ideoli), Instagram (instagram.com/ideoligroup/), Vimeo (vimeo.com/ideoli), LinkedIn (linkedin.com/company/ideoli).

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