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    Always late in Shanghai when depending on Google maps

    In our everyday lives, we take for granted the ease of navigating through major cities using google maps. In China, we recently started using google maps where it was previously banned. And by doing so, we found out to stay the heck away from it.

    “These are the joys of being in a country with a different language. GPS is totally off. We go to many other countries and GPS will register where you are at but here in China specifically you put in a location and it’s completely different,” says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    In between meetings in Shanghai, we had major issues of local addresses appearing in different locations throughout the city. Causing delays and frustration.

    “The GPS English doesn’t register to Chinese. Nobody one can help you. I’m about 12 minutes late for a meeting. Luckily the client is aware and understands. The joys of running around and being late,” says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    The solution? Use Apple maps or Baidu maps instead. You will thank yourself for listening. 


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