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    Are you fit enough for a fitbit watch? We think we are!

    When the boys get together, they talk about some really random shit. On a recent road trip, they talked about their love/hate relationship with their Fitbits. 

    “What are your thoughts on the Fitbit?”, says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder. “I enjoy the Fitbit, of course I have my Fitbit on,” says Chris Hartswick, Ideoli CPO and Co-Founder.

    “How many steps have you walked today? I will destroy you,” says George.

    “I believe it says 2,200 steps,” says Chris. “I am at 3,200 steps,” says George.

    Get on the Fitbit wagon, grab a friend and start tracking your daily steps to keep you in check.

    “I like it. Chris bought me this as a present,” says George.

    “I did,” says Chris.

    “To keep us motivated,” says George.

    Tell them George and Chris sent you! 

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