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    ideoli featured in ek magazine

    Ideoli Premier Magazine: A Design Journey

    New York – February 21, 2020 – Ideoli, a leading custom lighting design and manufacturing company known for its ability to invigorate spaces around the world, proudly announces the launch of its premiere magazine, aptly titled IDEOLI. This magazine, spanning 80 high-quality pages, is the culmination of several years of dedicated effort, encapsulating stories of […]

    Ideoli’s LED lighting boosts productivity

    Have you ever thought about the impact of lighting on your workday? The truth is, office lighting can influence your mood, energy levels, and overall productivity. A well-lit workspace creates a pleasant environment, setting the stage for a productive and healthy work atmosphere. Designers, take note: understanding the importance of lighting in workplace design is […]

    Lighting glare reduction solutions by Ideoli

    When it comes to creating optimal corporate workspaces, Ideoli emerges as a leading force in redefining the role of lighting. With an unwavering commitment to enhancing productivity, well-being, and visual comfort, Ideoli understands that lighting is a pivotal element that shapes the workplace experience. In this blog post, we’ll delve into Ideoli’s expertise in glare […]