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    Capturing our travels around the world

    Many people like to take time off from work to travel internationally, but some jobs actually involve business trips to far-flung destinations. Our founders, George Stroumboulis and Chris Hartswick, like to take advantage of these trips and have a little fun along the way, so we set out to capture their global adventures. 

    It’s a great feeling to be passionate about what you do, and to do it while traveling the world. We are a global company with no borders. We like to capture our experiences using a GoPro to capture our founder’s, George Stroumboulis and Chris Hartswick, travels as we visit international destinations including: Sweden, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Germany, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia… and several in between-en route to developing and delivering the best experiences and products for our clients and their spaces.

    Wherever we go, we film along the way so that our clients, partners and social media followers can come along for the ride. We want everyone to be a part of what we see and experience, so using a GoPro (and really awesome editors) is the perfect tool to provide our perspective. We also interview our international clients and partners to share their views on the industry, their experiences and their opinions on Ideoli. So check out the trips we’ve taken and stay tuned to our Vimeo channel for more updates on our international expeditions.

    Come along for the ride as Ideoli makes its mark around the world.

    Ideoli created several videos using a GoPro, some accessories and a willingness to document our founders’ trips across the globe to visit clients, partners and our international offices. Check them out on our Vimeo channel! 


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