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    We focus on building long-term relationships

    From colleagues to vendors to clients, there are so many different types of people with whom you might interact. The team at Ideoli firmly believes that these interactions should be nurtured into long-term professional relationships whenever possible, because doing so helps grow a network that creates long-term success (and friendships). By focusing on long-term relationships rather than […]

    Passion is key to entrepreneurial success

    The recipe for entrepreneurial success has many ingredients, including expertise, commitment and timing, but one component that should not be overlooked is passion. You can have a great idea for a business and know how to execute a successful strategy, but without putting your heart into it, the business becomes unsustainable as the challenges of […]

    Top 4 LED lighting advantages

    While different types of light bulbs have their place, LED lighting is the new wave—they run cooler and look cooler, which means clients can save money and make money by using LEDs. That’s why we integrate LED lighting into many of our products, ranging from lighting fixtures for food prep areas to backlit mirrors in […]

    4 things to prepare for when shipping to international destinations

    We live in a digital age of unprecedented connectivity, which has made everything from communicating across the globe to shipping packages from one continent to another significantly easier. However, even though speeds are faster, shipping to international destinations still comes with some important considerations. With our global network of suppliers, partners and clients, we constantly […]