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    Debunking common myths about LED lighting

    LED lighting offers exciting opportunities to improve commercial environments in a variety of ways. From overall cost savings to energy savings to greater design flexibility, LEDs have a wide range of benefits over other types of lights like incandescent and fluorescent. Yet many myths exist regarding LEDs, and we’re here to debunk those so you […]

    Why customized work stations matter

    Work environments today are incorporating more flexibility and ability for collaboration, such as with the advent of co-working spaces (like Industrious, WeWork, Regus and Naked Hub) and open-office concepts. As a result, offices need furniture and fixtures that facilitate these attributes, or else workers end up in spaces that are not conducive to their goals. And […]

    Top 3 benefits of adjustable desks

    Offices are in the midst of a design transformation, as the old model of stationary cubicles is being replaced by new formats including open-office layouts, shared workspaces and adjustable furniture. This new furniture includes adjustable desks, such as those that have the ability to change height, allowing workers to switch between sitting and standing, or […]