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    Capturing our travels around the world

    Many people like to take time off from work to travel internationally, but some jobs actually involve business trips to far-flung destinations. Our founders, George Stroumboulis and Chris Hartswick, like to take advantage of these trips and have a little fun along the way, so we set out to capture their global adventures.  It’s a great […]

    Why you should be partnering with ideoli – our elevator pitch

    When opening a new retail store, restaurant, hospitality location or other commercial space, you take on the responsibility to transform an empty, blank and heartless space into the most captivating, lively and inviting environment for your clients. This is where Ideoli comes in.  Ideoli is an obsessively creative designer, manufacturer and procurement collaborator for partners looking […]

    What do lighting distributors look for when selecting manufacturing partners?

    What are some of the qualities you look for in a manufacturing partner? Trustworthiness, superior competencies, knowledgeability, and a commitment to quality likely come to mind. Beyond these core qualities, Ideoli goes one step further to separate from the competition by having the ability to convert product visions into  tangible products within weeks.  We interviewed […]