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    Chris’ tech corner product feature – high-end LED ring chandeliers

    Welcome to another installment of Chris’ Tech Corner. Where Chris showcases a new product, feature or technology from the world of Ideoli.

    Take it away Chris!

    “Ideoli’s new ring chandelier are a very exciting new product for us. It’s an ultra slim line ring that comes in multiple diameters. We can also offer it in different types of installs,” says Chris Hartswick, Ideoli CPO and Co-Founder. Leading-edge technology with the end user in mind – always.

    “The flexibility in our ring chandeliers is amazing. We can offer architects, designers, interior designer, lighting designer’s different ways that they can orient these rings. Whether it’s via the rigid stem or the loose cables, they can have it more of a sort of cake type tiered application or they can even angle them and have them sort of interact more like rings,” says Chris.

    And there you have it – something new about our products. Thanks, Chris!