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    Chris’ tech corner product feature (II) – LED cylinder lighting fixture

    In this installment of Chris’ Tech Corner, Chris continues to discuss Ideoli’s LED Cylinder Fixture. Take it away Chris!

    “The beauty of our VAZI TECH technology is it allows our customers to only stock one CODE. They no longer have to purchase a pendant or surface mount and keep both together. They can buy just this one and decide in the field how they want it installed,” says Chris Hartswick, Ideoli CPO and Co-Founder.

    When we develop products, we always work with the users of the space to develop something truly effective.

    “Our new LED Cylinder can be used all over the place. We’ve been installing them in commercial applications, retail applications, even certain restaurants and fast food chains have adopted it as well,” says Chris. And there you have it – something new about our products. Thanks, Chris!  

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