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    Client footprint expanding in Mexico – Ideoli pushing global expansion

    New day, familiar country for Ideoli. Back in glorious Mexico for our client market expansion efforts.

    “It’s exciting being here is Mexico City. We started doing work in Mexico about 5 years ago from a manufacturing standpoint” says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    As Ideoli continues to grow internationally, we’re expanding our client footprint throughout Mexico.

    “It’s really awesome being here on the client side and being able to present our products. Our leading LED lighting products and getting into various locations in the retail and commercial spaces here” says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    We’re meeting with an international company to supply their commercial spaces with our LED lighting fixtures throughout Mexico.

    “We recognize Mexico is a key market and it’s essentially the gateway to Latin and South American. So we really need to be here” says George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    Our adventures in Mexico continue… wonder where Ideoli will expand to next? Stay tuned! 

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