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    Client product installation: San Francisco store is invigorated

    Ideoli is on the road again with our clients in San Francisco, California. Today we are on site at the client’s new store to receive the shipment of a new product we created for them and oversee the installation process.

    We have been working with the national-furnishing client to conceptualize, design and fabricate a fixture that truly communicates who they are as a brand and help promote their staple “Z” design.

    The client envisioned something to help drive pedestrians from the street into their stores, while being able to communicate their brand effectively to repeat customers.

    Ideoli engineered and manufactured the custom Z fixture using the highest-quality materials and finishes, along with customized LED technology to help bring this Z fixture to life. With a national rollout of the fixture under way, Ideoli is helping its client drive more business into its stores.  


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