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    Delivering custom products via powerful distribution partnerships

    As a national account executive for one of the nation’s largest distribution companies, James Alto is a leader in the specification and distribution of high-end lighting products for some of the most recognized restaurant and hospitality brands in the world. James is tasked with making sure his clients’ overall visions come to life. We interviewed James to get a better understanding of how he brings value to his clients and how Ideoli helps contribute to this success.

    “Part of my responsibility is dealing with unique designs. We understand that the client trusts us with choosing the right product. We we work with more than 300 manufacturers. I partner only with the right manufacturers to develop the custom fixtures needed,” says James.

    In the high-end restaurant and hospitality industry, delivering as-specified products on time and within budget is crucial. The team at Ideoli is fortunate to partner with passionate professionals like James in this space, who drive continuous support and innovation. James’s clients trust him to ensure their new-store concepts are properly executed, by his working closely with architects and reputable manufacturers.

    “Choosing our manufacturers is a major part of our design,” says James. “We like to partner with people that we know can deliver, have a quality product and can stand behind us on a day-to-day basis.”

    Ideoli works directly with James to truly understand the client’s vision, to then manufacture quality furnishings and fixturing, as directed by him and his team.

    “At the end of the day, the most important thing to me is making sure my customer’s vision comes to life” says James.

    Ideoli only partners with best-in-class distribution partners to ensure successful products are created and used to enhance the client’s overall  experience. 

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