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    Don’t stress – use distressed… furniture

    With style trends, old and new aren’t distinct entities but rather attributes that can play off of each other. Sometimes clients like a full retro look, whereas others just want to pay homage to an older style while primarily being modern. These trends are not limited to representing time periods, however, as Ideoli’s products can also incorporate aged, wear-and-tear looks that give character to new products. We are always up to the design challenge presented to us by our partners.

    While it may seem counterintuitive to have a new product look used, the concept is similar to why ripped jeans can be fashion-forward, or why vintage decor can be alluring. Sometimes people like to see products that do not appear to be straight from a factory but instead seem to have stories to tell if they could talk. A chair, table or stool is no different. That’s why Ideoli’s custom offerings include distressed furniture, such as a restaurant dining table that has scratches running horizontally across the piece, rusted table bases and weathered materials on the seating.

    These products are not meant to trick customers into thinking they’re seeing antiques, but rather the style can be more inviting and stylish in certain environments. Restaurant owners and their customers can also feel more relaxed knowing that even if they make a mark on the table, for instance, it’s already distressed, so another scratch is probably nothing to worry about. Distressed furniture can also help established brands invigorate new spaces, without creating design discrepancies. For example, if a restaurant has been operating older locations for some time and decides to open additional locations, they might want the new ones to have the same feel as the old ones, and therefore brand-new-looking furniture would not fit. With distressed furniture, clients can design spaces that match their overall brand, regardless of when a space is built.

    Ideoli’s commitment to helping clients invigorate their spaces includes custom-designing products that match their styles, and creating furniture with a distressed look is part of that mission. 

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