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    Find out what the Ideoli team always travels with…

    Being an international company, the Ideoli team is always on the go: flying to different countries around the world to meet with our clients and partners. With our frequent trips, we’ve learned a lot about the items you should bring with you when flying.These include: 

    1. Echinacea: Being in close proximity to so many people in a confined space, many of whom are coughing or sneezing, can cause anyone to worry about getting sick while traveling. So having echinacea on hand to take as needed helps us feel a little bit better about the strength of our immune systems.

    2. Hand sanitizer: Similar to why we pack echinacea, we recommend traveling with hand sanitizer too. Whether you’re worried about spreading germs or touching something icky on a plane, hand sanitizer can get you out of a jam.

    3. Magazines: It’s always good to have your own entertainment on hand in case your TV isn’t working on the plane or if you just want a break from screen time. Bringing your own magazines on board helps ensure you’ll have something you enjoy to get you through the flight.

    4. Your own beverage: It’s important to stay hydrated when flying, so it’s good to bring your own water on board. And if you want to indulge in a treat like a soda, you can bring that onboard too. Either way, having your own beverage on a plane can make your flight more comfortable, because you don’t have to wait for the beverage cart and you have more control over your drink options.

    5. A pack of gum: Gum is a classic airplane essential for a reason. If your ears tend to get uncomfortable when flying, try chewing gum, especially during takeoff and landing.

    6. Headphones: Don’t rely on the airline passing out headphones. The quality might not be very good and you might have to pay extra for them. Instead, bring your own pair so you know you’ll have good audio quality whether you’re listening to music or watching TV or movies during the flight.

    7. Your electronic devices: It’s often smart to have some combination of your phone, tablet or computer easily accessible if you want to take advantage of the time on the plane to catch up on work. These can also serve as a backup entertainment option in case your plane doesn’t have screens in the seatback.

    What a list! Think of us on your next flight and pack your bags accordingly. Have any travel tips of your own? We’d love to hear from you on social!

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