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    Getting to know our esteemed board of advisors (III)

    Ideoli’s team includes an impressive group of enthusiastic professionals. We meet with our Board of Advisors regularly in New York City to brainstorm and strategize. Let’s learn more about our talented advisors’ collaboration with the Ideoli team.

    Grant Whitmore (Board of Advisor, Ideoli) – They have put together a really outstanding team. I love the Ideoli team, professionals from top to bottom.

    Robert Peck (Board of Advisor, Ideoli) – Where to start…There are some many positive things about Ideoli. A great team, passion, a dynamic group of people who really want to make a difference. And a phenomenal growth in just a short period of time.

    Allen Kieffer (Board of Advisor, Ideoli) – What’s not exceptional with Ideoli team. They are pulling folks from around the world with all these diverse backgrounds and come together and melt into this wonderful solid foundation of experience throughout the world. People with the expertise in all of these areas that they need to expand and grow. I’m so excited and I can’t wait to see where they go in the next two years. It’s going to be an explosion of excitement.

    With an exceptional Board of Advisors, Ideoli will ensure progressive growth. Looking forward to the next strategy session!  

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