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    Ideoli’s Lighting Expertise Helping Dr. Bobby Awadalla

    We met up with our client, Dr. Bobby Awadalla – esteemed dermatologist – to discuss the importance of lighting. Let’s hear what he had to share.

    I work in over 12 offices. I’m going into offices all over Southern California, Nevada and Arizona to go do surgeries and skin checks for people. The lighting conditions in every office is very different. It poses a big challenge because if you are in poorly lite offices you can’t really do your skin checks as well. The scariest part of all that is the end result of missing a possible skin cancer or not being able to see it in a certain light,” says Dr. Bobby Awadalla, board certified dermatologist.

    Dr. Bobby knows his lighting. “In an office situation that you are going to be in regularly, you certainly want to have a nice even light in your exam room so you can see all the details of the skin. Often times we do what‘s called side lightings. We take the light from the side and we’re able to visualize skin lesions easier that way. It shows you how important to actually have good lighting in the room in the first place,” says Dr. Bobby.

    What kind of lighting does a dermatology office need?

    A dermatology office requires nice even, beautiful lighting so you can do skin exams. I can see how that can relate to other fields and numerous other physician offices that could use great lighting to better enhance their ability to take care of patients,” says Dr. Bobby.

    At Ideoli, it’s great working with our knowledgeable clients to create custom lighting products to enhance their spaces 


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