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    Ideoli Premier Magazine: A Design Journey

    New York – February 21, 2020 – Ideoli, a leading custom lighting design and manufacturing company known for its ability to invigorate spaces around the world, proudly announces the launch of its premiere magazine, aptly titled IDEOLI. This magazine, spanning 80 high-quality pages, is the culmination of several years of dedicated effort, encapsulating stories of triumphs, challenges, and the extraordinary. It serves as a testament to Ideoli’s commitment to delivering unparalleled quality in interior design.

    George Stroumboulis, CEO and Co-Founder of Ideoli, expressed immense pride in the magazine’s creation, stating, “We’re extremely proud of what every page represents and the story that it shares, showcasing to our partners, friends, and future potential collaborators the extent to which we go to bring interiors to life, whether through lighting, furnishing, or fixturing.”

    The premiere magazine reflects Ideoli’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of design excellence. A collection of narratives, visions, stories, products, and spaces brought to life by Ideoli during its global journey graces the pages. Available in both hard copy and digital formats, the magazine is circulated globally to influential partners in the design, specification, distribution, and installation sectors.

    Chris Hartswick, Ideoli CPO and Co-Founder, invites readers to delve into the magazine, saying, “As you read our premiere magazine, you will get a glimpse into what we are doing, how we are doing it, and who has trusted us to deliver on our promise. We aim to create an intimate platform of engagement with our partners while sharing the hustle of building our business along the way.”

    For a copy of the premiere magazine, interested individuals are encouraged to email invigorate@ideoli.com.

    Ideoli continues to redefine the landscape of interior design, and IDEOLI magazine stands as a testament to the company’s commitment to excellence and innovation. 
