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    Ideoli expands its international reach to Indonesia

    To produce world-class products in terms of both efficiency and quality, Ideoli searches the planet far and wide for the best partners that can help us best serve client. As such, Ideoli’s team, led by Co-Founders George Stroumboulis and Chris Hartswick, travel all over the world to form key relationships and establish operations.

    These travels extend beyond what have traditionally been the dominant manufacturing markets such as China to include other countries like Indonesia that are increasingly becoming major players in the global manufacturing industry.

    With a population of over 260 million people, Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world. In addition to being a beautiful country, Indonesia has a growing manufacturing expertise, particularly in its capital of Jakarta. The city is centrally located within the large country, and it’s a major hub for commerce and finance in the region, and ideoli sees the area as key to our success.

    “Jakarta is known in the manufacturing world for having a skilled labor force, quality factories and a positive outlook. Having done extensive research into new markets, we are very excited to expand our discussions with new partners and suppliers here,” says Chris Hartswick, Ideoli’s Chief Product Officer.

    With significant new agreements in place, Ideoli is excited to work more with our partners in Indonesia to expand our world-class product offerings. 

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