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    Ideoli launches exciting video series called “Chris’ tech corner” with Ideoli’s own CPO

    (NEW YORK) APRIL 15, 2019 – Known for its custom furnishings, fixtures and lighting, Ideoli recently launched a new video web series where Chief Product Officer Chris Hartswick takes viewers behind the scenes for an in-depth look at Ideoli’s product line.

    The key behind every successful product at Ideoli is the team’s ability to listen to the needs of their clients and conceptualize a product that will elevate the user experience. In this new series, Chris walks the audience through the process including inspiration, development and implementation. By diving further into each product, it allows existing and potential clients to get a closer look at the realm of possibilities through Ideoli.

    “We are proud of the work we do and the products we create to service our clients.  As our chief product officer, there’s no better person than Chris to share in-depth about what Ideoli does best from a product perspective,” said George Stroumboulis, Ideoli’s CEO and Co-Founder.

    Ideoli constantly pushes the envelope of design excellence, and its founders understand the importance of creating energy and cost-efficient products that will comply with required local and federal regulations.  By earning product certification of their LED lighting products in countries throughout the world, Ideoli is able to service both international and local clients in the market with an array of available options. Chris’ Tech Corner will showcase available products like these to help understand how clients can invigorate their space.

    “As CPO, its exciting to be able to share the process behind our exciting, custom products. Meeting with clients, hitting the drawing board and bringing customized fixtures and invigorating products to life is what Ideoli is all about and I am excited to share that through this series,” said Chris Hartswick, Ideoli’s CPO and Co-Founder.

    For more information about Ideoli, Chris’ Tech Corner and their line of customizable products, email invigorate(at)ideoli.com and visit www.ideoli.com

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