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    Ideoli works with new york city based charitable organization to invigorate meals for people living with severe illness

    (NEW YORK) FEBRUARY 4, 2020 Known for its ability to invigorate your space, Ideoli, a leading custom-interiors manufacturer and designer of custom furnishings, fixtures and lighting, is invigorating meals for the community at God’s Love We Deliver in Soho, New York City. God’s Love We Deliver serves the local Burroughs by raising money, preparing meals and making home-delivers of nutritious, medically-tailored meals for people too sick to shop or cook for themselves.

    With an already established international footprint, Ideoli wanted to be sure it left a local footprint by invigorating the community they call home. Similar to God’s Love We Deliver, Ideoli aims to provide its clients with quality services that help them offer the best experiences for their users. As part of their commitment, Ideoli helps pack 1,000 meals for dinner as a team in a single day.

    “Every time we get together, we take on a new ‘Invigorate Your Community’ initiative”, said George Stroumboulis, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder. “So, we are really excited to get involved and help where we can and however we can. Invigorate your Community is a growing charitable initiative we take pride in at the Ideoli family.”

    The Ideoli team is frequently put to the challenge to determine the needs of their clients, design new, one-of-a-kind products and meet strict deadlines. Today, they take a step back from the day-to-day operations and take a moment to appreciate those in the community by rallying together to invigorate meals for the community of God’s Love We Deliver.

    “Together as a team we are giving back to the community at God’s Love We Deliver and connecting as a team,” said Chris Hartswick, Ideoli CPO and Co-Founder.

    For more information about the Ideoli team and their accomplishments, visit www.ideoli.com.


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