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    Ideoli’s advice on treating consumers with old-fashioned values

    Ideoli understood that there were changes in the retail industry. We wanted to understand the cost and quality of feedback from the consumer. Could we make it beneficial for both sides? For us, it was just another concept in raising sales in today’s market.

    According to “Study: Consumers looking for personalized expertise; rewards,” by Marianne Wilson, “It [Retail Industry Leaders Association and Accenture] found that consumers are most interested in exchanging their data for automatic credits for coupons and loyalty points (64%) and access to exclusive deals (60%), followed by the ability to gain points and rewards (56%) and special offers for items that interest them (53%).”

    This boils down to consumers being understood and treated to their special needs and requests. Because of this, retailers had to rethink their selling tactics by becoming experts in their fields.

    We’ve seen the desire of consumers reach back into old-time values of communication and building relationships, but with a technological twist. Retailers always had the opportunity to listen and communicate with their consumers. But the technology of tracking likes and dislikes specific to each consumer has not been at the forefront until now. 

    Consumers today make purchases in brick and mortar stores, online and by phone. Offering specials, points and privileges based on the uniqueness of each consumer was a must. Ideoli learned the importance of meeting the needs and requests of the consumers.

    It’s important for Ideoli to know these changes in the retail industry. Understanding the cost and quality of feedback from the consumer and rewarding them was just part of it. As a result, it became beneficial for both sides. Going back into old-time values of communication and building relationships was just part of it, not just the concept of raising sales in today’s market.

    Ideoli wanted to understand the cost and quality of feedback from their consumers. Marianne Wilson provided statistics in “Study: Consumers looking for personalized expertise; rewards.” These facts helped Ideoli to understand that consumers have special needs.  Retailers could respond to these needs by using old-time values of communication while building relationships and collecting info through the use of technology. As a result, to these relationships, retailers offered specials, points and privileges based on the uniqueness of each consumer.

    Stay connected with #ideoli on all our social media platforms – Facebook (/ideoligroup), Twitter (@ideoli), Instagram (@ideoligroup), Vimeo (/ideoli) and LinkedIn (/ideoli).

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