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    Ideoli’s CEO takes you on a production run in Vietnam

    Planes, trains and mopeds for us on this trip to Vietnam. Aside from being a beautiful country, rich in culture, traditions and cuisine, Vietnam is a top producer of wood-based furniture and interior products.

    “We’re here in Vietnam and we’re manufacturing some really exciting products for some of clients back in the United States and throughout Europe. When it comes to wood-based products, Vietnam is by far the best country to manufacture in,” says George, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    With their skilled labor force, manufacturing know-how and access to several quality wood products from around the region.

    “Vietnam is perfect for Ideoli production needs. Vietnam has built an expertise over the last 20 to 25 years and has become maybe the most competitive producer in the wood industry,” says Thomas, Ideoli Partner.

    Ideoli is held to the highest standards by their clients,and working with the right partners is an absolute must for us.

    “The quality is unbelievable, the responsiveness and the ability to take custom designs and to implement them with what the client is looking for has been an easy process for us,” says George, Ideoli CEO and Co-Founder.

    Join us on our next journey to get a first-hand look at Ideoli’s production run. 

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