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    Ideoli’s view on transition of selling

    Ideoli understood the beginnings of retail and what it transitioned to today. The concept used to be just selling items and meeting customer needs. But that concept changed over time.

    In “Retail Design: The Key to it is Communication,” by EuroShop.mag,
    Professor Rainer Zimmermann explained, “In previous decades, retailers had taken no interest in design, and – to be honest – designers had shown no interest in the retail trade, either.” Zimmermann should understand this subject. He’s noted to be a strategic communication teacher and a co-founder of a Retail Design course. 

    But what is Retail design? According to “What Is Retail Store Design?” by Chron, the concept developed was strategizing a selling plan. It allowed the retailer to set up an organized area to sell a product or products. According to Chron, “Retail store design factors into window displays, furnishings, lighting, flooring, music and store layout to create a brand or specific appeal.”

    How did the lighting industry intertwine with Retail design? According to “The Impact of Lighting in Retail Design,” by Designing Buildings Wiki, consumers were attracted to the way in which products being sold were staged. Lighting became an important player in setting the stage. Lighting, not only introduced the potential consumers to the display, it also pleaded to the feelings of the potential consumers. Lighting, combined with the other elements, such as music or sound, created a mood for the potential buyer.

    Ideoli understood that communication was key to meeting consumer needs. We had the responsibility to our clients from day one to shine the light on their industries. Contact Ideoli with your needs so we can shine the light on yours.


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