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    June is national safety month

    From our production runs in manufacturing facilities around the world to our global travels via a variety of transportation modes, we take safety very seriously in all forms. Not only is it the right thing to do to protect ourselves and those we work with,it also helps us meet our commitments to clients, as injuries and other safety incidents can cause serious delays.

    Fortunately, many individuals and businesses like us are participating in National Safety Month, which takes place in June and focuses on reducing the top causes of injuries and death at work, on the road and in homes and communities. This year, notes the National Safety Council, the focus is on:

    1. Hazard Recognition
    2. Slips, Trips and Falls
    3. Fatigue and Impairment

    We recommend thinking about how these risks take shape in your own workplace or other environments, and see if there are ways you can take preventative action.

    Meanwhile, we’ll be sure to do even more to educate our employees and partners on hazards at our manufacturing facilities and project sites; usingthe right equipment and awareness to reduce slips, trips and falls; and recognizing the signs and dangers of fatigue and impairment and then stopping work as needed.

    Everyone can get involved in reducing the risk of injuries. Stay safe! 


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