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    Let’s get social with Ideoli

    For most of us, social media plays a huge part in our daily lives. By following others on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Vimeo, we are able to keep up with friends and family, receive news updates and stay on top of our favorite brands, like Ideoli. We want to be part of that experience with you! 

    Ideoli invites you to engage with us through our social media platforms, as we share a mix of fun and informative content about our company, our people, our products and our adventures.

    Through our social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo and LinkedIn, we seek to share with the world both the personal and professional sides of our business. From updates on what we’re eating to examples of Ideoli’s work for clients, we keep you in the loop on all the cool things our team does every day, around the world. To us, these posts are not only about updates on the newest product we’re making; instead, it’s about how Ideoli is changing the game in custom furnishings, fixtures and lighting for retail, restaurant, hospitality and commercial clients. And we hope to inspire you to invigorate your space in a way that best represents your brand while serving your clients. So grab your popcorn, pull out your phone (avoid getting popcorn butter on your phone) and check out what we’re all about. We also love your feedback on what we are doing… likes, comments, shares, you name it! So keep it coming

    Watch us invigorate spaces. Follow ideoli today on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo and LinkedIn

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