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    Meet Allen Kieffer: member of Ideoli’s amazing board of advisors

    Ideoli has been experiencing tremendous growth with international brands. To help guide our growth we created a board of advisors with a group of extremely talented individuals. One of our advisors is Allen Kieffer, a legend in the retail construction arena. Allen got together with our content team to tell us what he’s all about.  “Hi, I’m Allen Kieffer, I am a Retail Development Consultant with Crazy Results LLC. I live in Ventura, California and I’m on the Board of Advisors for Ideoli. Allen has helped drive the success for some of the world’s largest retail brands. Semi retired from Guess Jeans two years ago and decided to go to France for a year, tried studying culinary arts for a kind of a gap year and when I came back I started up consulting; kind of organically. So at Guess I was there for 12 years and I was Vice President of Retail Development, where I oversaw the design for all of their stores worldwide, the construction of the stores in North America, their sourcing and their facilities management; so it was cradle to grave.” Allen has previous experience working with Ideoli’s co-founder making this advisory role a natural fit. “What they do differently is they’re not out solely to make money and to turn a quick client; they’re out to make relationships, to keep those relationships, strengthen those relationships and take them on however they need to go. My role helping Ideoli will be to help with sourcing but also help give them ideas, help guide them in different directions if they come up with an idea, to help bounce ideas back and forth.” Allen has made an immediate impact and we are extremely excited to have him on our team. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of Ideoli because there is limitless possibilities and with the two of them putting things together it’s fantastic and you know; I couldn’t be more flattered and I’m looking forward to a long tenure with Ideoli.

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